Festival of battles
Please, don't reset perks on prestige [PTS Feedback]
Dokkan battle chore core
They really need to see a relationship counselor
Horus would be proud of them
Dirty fireworks
Reliquary Brutal
How do I knock back spore mines ?
My genuine reaction to TOP goku-Frieza reveal
That stage got hands man
“He’s great on turn 8!”
All 3 with 1.3k stones
🤓”Posting memes after meme Friday will result in removal of your post and a strike against your account”🤓
Let them cook
DFE Buuhan banner is now live
Post your pets (clams) in the comments and I’ll rate them
What K.O. screen do I want fellas?
DONT summon on Gogeta guys!!!
Is this unit good ?
How it feels to finally beat kid buu on your fourth attempt
%55 vegeta active skill turn
Limited Time Carnival Summon to commemorate 2024 Battle Hour is LIVE on Global Dokkan!