10 winstreak event is needed
Dena, can we have a new Event now pls?
This was easy.
Most Efficient way to use Trade Tokens?
So some enemies definitely respawn
Confused about pack points and collection counts?
So What are We Thinking about This?
Now we've all got the 5 consecutive wins emblem, what events do we want to see?
[ Removed by Reddit ]
[DISC] The 5 consecutive win event is here
It's official (cause I said so): Gyarados+Greninja is the cheapest deck
5-wins difficulty
Time to spend all day conceding!
Only 5 wins? It should be atleast 10
Chansey Picks should not be 2 hour glasses
26 turns of back and forth, only to rage quit and waste more time. Just click concede, it's not difficult.
With that username, I can only assume the beating I gave them was non-consensual
Indiana Jones and the Great Circle Review - Kinda Funny Gamescast
How some of you look in this sub
Where did you go, fren?
What does everyone feel about wigglytuff ex?
5 Consecutive Wins with a 50% Win Rate Should Take on Average 96 Matches.
People need to remember there are kids playing - cause this is a kids game
Seems the event has started a political war
Make PTCGP Fun(ny) Again!