[COD] These CODS had the greatest comeback imo. (Honorable mention goes to IW)
[MW3] 2011 Does anyone remember MW3 Survival?
Saber Interactive Confirms 'Knights Of The Old Republic' Remake Is Still In Development
Kirito and Asuna by BUNBUN
I don't think [CoD] will ever get a true competitor.
Higurashi should have been like From Beyond
[BO3] This Campaign is underhated
Why was Asuka so sad in this scene, before lashing out? It's in the kitchen so it's gotta be related to Shinji.
Why can’t wb sell the mgm library to Amazon to lower their debt
Is Freya AWARE of the fact that she isn’t biologically human, but rather a Windermerian?
Are humans, Windermerians, Zolans, and Ragnans mutually reproductively compatible?
If any studio could, which studio would do a remake of DX1 the greatest?
Battlefield 2042 | War Machine Event Trailer
Focus Entertainment Publishing announces the development of Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 3
What is the appeal of fascism?
ArcSys doesn't want to make new Blazblue because it would be a direct competitor to Guilty Gear. But you know what's not a direct competitor to Guilty Gear? That's right, Blazblue Cross Tag Battle. That means we should get BBTag 2.
What does the homefront the revolution 'freedom fighter' bundle come with?
Fanatio and Lipia look identical. Was confused when I first saw Lipia in Dark Territory
We all agree this shouldn’t come back, right?
Did Japan legally ban Mortal Kombat?
Who'd win? The Terminator vs Any supersoldatten.
"Human" Technology through the entire timeline
How come there has been no new sao anime content since 2022
Should this game get a Matt McMuscles What Happened episode?
KADOKAWA Anime Producers Takuya Yoshioka and Maki Mihara Say Japan Needs to Protect Its Unique Style and Calls for Sustainable Production