Miss Maddie has new hair!
My sweet baby boy will not allow anyone to upset his mommy(even if they're totally innocent)
I'm starting on a new dress for Maddie!
My custom Nosferatu from 2023
This poor girlie
Offering Breakfast Treats
Items in the Nickelodeon time capsule, which is set to open in 2042
Ever After High: In Defense of Apple White
Friend keeps trying to assign gender roles to my cat.
New fang vote catty!!
Its about to start ghouls!
guys i cant stop crying
Anyone know how to make a custom hanger rack for my doll hangers?
Fang Club Members: March Poll
Has Barbie actually affected anyone’s self esteem or was all the controversy from adults only?
Apple is waiting patiently for Darling to come in the mail
Does anyone have any bleedingegde dolls ?
Bought them
How come some people don’t like Faybelle? 😔🫶🏽
Apple White Fan Glasses (Pt 1)
I'm reading the crossover book today with my girlies
The BeGoths kickstarter is live!
Does anyone know if Basics #5 is a match for Gal Fieri?
And then I go and spoil it all by having something stupid like depression...