Gas blow back pro’s and con’s so far. Pro’s- kick is awesome. Charging, trigger, magazine and more feel real. Con’s- gas consumption, low BB count, mags tend to leak, kick affects accuracy. What do you guys think? Chime in por favor 🫡 🔫➕➖
yes.. aap 01 becomes wild
Would this rate of fire be called out on a field? Any field ref's out there?
My starter rifle
Rate or hate AK edition
Wanting to upgrade this CYMA platinum. To get laser accuracy what would you all recommend? Any techs with ideas?
I'm swimming through the mountains? Anybody else get this glitch?
ELRS is definitely not for a beginner. I bought the drone in the right (elrs) almost a year ago and finally figured out why it wouldn't bind last night. Remote needed update. Crossfire frsky just works.
In rank and order top to bottom. Bop, miggy and phoenix. They are outdoor/indoor cats and they run in a pack. All 3 have a story but they work together 🐱💖
Hmm, AK or M4 tomorrow?
Evike lied to me!! 😯. The description for this rifle says 7.4 lipo and so thats what i went with. Now I'm seeing 11.1 on the ASG site! 🧐. My other battery wont fit either. Is there a reason 7.4 is "recommended"? Thoughts?
For anyone who cares. Mods are downvoting, erasing replies. Some downvotes are normal but when its in big numbers something isn't right. Read below.
Would this be allowed on an Airsoft field? I mean, you can basically go full auto since the taps on the trigger only need a hairs width of pressure to fire. It gets even crazier with the binary trigger.
Is it just me, or is there something sinister at work here? I’ve noticed that when delivering packages to apartment complexes or other non traditional homes, I consistently find myself delivering to the most stressful, non-obvious, and tucked-away units. For instances, refer below
After years of hating on Apple, I joined the club
It's missing something. Cool AUG but still... 🤔
Mini z mr03 EVO w/spektrum Dsm2 receiver. Yes it works with the new spektrum IXSR radio 😎
Recommendation: Tired of that awful glare? I highly recommend getting a matte antiglare screen protector. I deliver for a living and find myself living in my car. The reflection from the sun, especially here in Arizona, makes it harder to game. Got the idea from my nano texture glass iPad.
It's only getting better. This is not to show off. I'm sure there's people who make more but I want to show it's possible. Good luck drivers!
It's only getting better. This is not to show off. I'm sure there's people who make more, but this is just an incentive to those who want to make decent money.
TRYP fpv sun through meta quest pro with an actual fpv radio is the bomb diggity! Don’t forget to use an Ethernet connection for best results!
Not bad at all.
Who would win? Need to make my decision soon!
I was removed from the "goatguns addict" group on FB because I spoke out about how I believed the recently released themed scar guns seemed unnecessary and like a cash grab. I spent thousands of $'s and promoted these guns with beautiful pictures/posts. All they said was "shut up and don't buy"
New alloy empire pistols