I don’t know what’s happening with me I’m scared
Aight guys what are your most-used emojis
Never in my life has it been harder to not cry than in an English class
My friend of 7 years blocked me and unfriended me because I made her worried about me.
What made you realize you weren't straight (could literally be anything)
My mom is super rude about her personal beauty standards
What do you guys think about dinosaurs?
Am I immature for not wanting sex
Does it look okay?
I’ve lost my wallet( in my house or my car) and now I can’t be a part of consumerism
There are honestly times that I’d LOVE to be a guy
(16f ) new to reddit be nice please
I’m just going to post this so people can learn about trans youth.
Omg I love sushi
I’m going to post this so people can learn about trans youth.
Why they do dat?
Dude on tt asked me if I was sure that I would get raped
Proof and pics of the rape apologist Which_Entrepenuer14
Tells me to km$ for not agreeing that rape is okay and the fact I’m trans
this girl is actually crying because of a marvel movie
YALL HE GOT BANNED OR LEFT WE DID IT (talking about the rape apologist)🎉🎉🎉🎉
Can we please get this person banned