r/Topster's favorite 2020s albums. Most upvoted gets added - Day 7 (Hellfire added)
I found the motherload
what show / video on YouTube got you like this as a kid?
What would be your name yall ? lil failed suicide attempt for me (image totally related)
How many teens are going through hypersexuality too?
[REQUEST] How many Hershey Kisses are in here? Snagged pics as quickly as I could, used a Sharpie for scale. Sorry for not grabbing better angles.
What song is this?
What are some of the most gruesome suicides you’ve ever heard of?
What do you think the rizzlers favourite swans song is?
The harshest, most extreme music you've ever heard
What are the odds of getting attacked out of nowhere by a random stranger whilst out in public?
New drums and Heads!🤘
B L A C K I E must have gotten word that they broke up lol
Spotted in gerocord
will my chlorophyte grow if its like this?
how big can a chunk of chlorophyte ore get?
I'm the real Tony Levin, AMA
What order do you eat sandwiches?
Death Grips is over
What is your favourite song of all time and why?
Whats yall Reddit streak at right now? (I will also rate how cooked you are on a scale of 1-10)
What is Boards Of Canada's scariest song? Most upvoted comment gets added