Gans 356S (Southern US)
Aolong V2 Stickerless + Original ABS (Southern US)
Dayan Guhong V1 (Southern US)
The prettiest record i own by far (A Thousand Times Repent - Virtue Has Few Friends)
what font is this
Who are the best MySpace Revival Deathcore band?
In your opinion, what is the most unique deathcore album?
Bands That Write/Wrote Material Based On Franchises
Slept on albums
What are the most original and unique ideas/bands in metalcore right now?
My MoYu Weilong collection
[partially lost] The Scourge of Medusa (band)
Sunbracers Warlock
Daily Questions [2023-09-19]
Why were you bullied?
Knocked loose?
Where my melodic heads at?
What brand is my rubix cube?
Who is the king of deathcore
The Black Dahlia Murder - Closed Casket Requiem (Unhallowed 20th anniversary)
top ten list
Genuine Question: How did Destiny go from "needing Eververse" to keep the game going one expansion at a time to needing an Expansion, a Dungeon pass, 4 season passes, Eververse cosmetics and Cosmetic Event passes?
Is this the greatest year for music?
Wrong Band Names