what’s ur fav non GTBSG track that Ripsquad have produced?
My 19th birthday today so my friend made this for me 🙏
what do you guys wanna hear?
recent purchases from local cheap cig shop
2slimey is growing on me
What’s Hi-C’s best project?
My girlfriend broke up with me while we were on vacation
giane posted a song w/ polo on his insta story
Someone throw out a random budget cig brand I should try in the US.
current surf gang members
Favorite Surf Gang song?
take me by the hand is getting radio play in Sweden (P3)
Bad snowstrippers songs?
Is this best three track run in gtbsb history?
What are some of the best rap albums over the past 15 years?
What is the most expensive/rare pair of trueys?? Curious
Best song ever?
What is the sadboys subreddit wearing today ?
It’s weird you can tell the fake from the real in music somehow?
Need some recommendations for some chill music
no way no fucking way
a dgsbe song u wish was longer
If bladee was an unknown artist and was about to drop his debut tape/album/ep, which one would have the best chance of blowing up
What are your dream dg collaborations?? Mine would be bladee + snow strippers or Edward skeletrix
What pants are sematary wearing in the Fury road mv