Why don’t you seal flue seams?
Gaming pc takes 8-15 seconds to shut down. Problem?
Stepped on the gas with the E brake on and car moved while in snow
Regardless of price, which one would you buy?
Anyone looking to adopt 3 ferrets?
Ferrets in the northeast?
This guy was making $32 an hour.
Who’s going to The Mill tomorrow…
Can you Total a car cause of repairs
Pre 1994 rifles
How would you balance Overwatch?
3D lettering done!
Is this too much rust?
What’s your go to Gas Station?
W: Mule H: ask Ps5
Where are you in your career today?
Who is the least skillful hero to play?
How do we feel about this?
What's your favorite ult (even ones that don't exist anymore)
I went from plat to GM in 4 months
Stubborn baby
How would you balance or rework your main.
She’s turning four this year, but still looks like a little baby
Anyone know what this is?