[SPOILERS] The story intro
I need drama ✨
Jeremiah Totem CG 8-11
Stop making new characters and finish the ones we have now 😭
Aight dish! Which wildly unpopular match did you enjoy?👀 (SPOILERS MAY HAPPEN/just for fun)
Kuno Paasche Notification
Unavailable Matches. The Wiki. AND YOU!
How can I convince her that headphones are not for eating? I've spent more than $70 on them this year!
🚨 ATTENTION: Unavailable Matches!! (Read Caption Pls!!) ⬇️⬇️
Open Your F*cking EYES MAN!!!
Who is this and why do I keep getting undocumented matches?
Why is this fictional character better than like 99% of men??
a question about Optimo Lynx chat
Passion Pact secrets
Builder Backstory (w/ characters from Portia)
just spent at least 100 gems on one date…
Less popular counterparts you prefer?
Is it a Bug?
Lily and Selene Notification
Luke Windsor Notification 🎮
Kuno Paasche was an unmatchable before, but sadly we won't get his counterparts Jayden Davies/Florens Reitz
I feel so snakey😭