Y'all remember when spiderman and Jessie had a crossover??
Happy birthday conquest! (Made by Quiko)
This episode of Regular Show gave me nightmares
Why do they feel so weak
My first (and probably only) official Cars diecast!
Guess what Im doing today :)
Who's your favorite cartoon Band / Music Artist?
What are the funniest/most atrocious nicknames for Dokkan units that you've ever seen?
Finally the great Paul steps out of the comic book panels and makes his live action....wait no, shut it off SHUT IT OFF
Thoughts on Batman suit being designed like this instead of with briefs?
I may have goofed up a little bit...
the no kill rule summed up in one line.
Till this day it still bothers me that there a car in the end credits of Sharivan
Are you serious lmao
Favorite ship or OTP you have that covers this dynamic?
What are some cartoon characters we will probably never see again?
Oh for god's sake
What's a movie or tv show you think isn't talked about enough despite everyone claiming to have seen it.
After many failed attempts I finally got this to work
What was your favorite Nicktoon?
What's the funniest Batman moment you can think of?
I hear a lot of discussion for what the DCU Batsuit should look like, but what about the Batmobile?
what's the worst character redesign of all time
Which YouTuber is like this for you?
Serial Killers with super powers.