This is what Old Anatolian Turkish language (13th century CE) sounded like. Thoughts?
Did colourism exist among ancient Turkic & Xiongnu people?
Qara Turk/Kara Turk/"Black Turk"
I just realized something
Don't you get tired of cashiers in stores?
Complementary artwork for the Uyghur Warriors post
9th-century murals of Uyghur-Turk warriors
Why can’t the weather just stay like that the entire year
Reconstructed photos of Tarim Basin mummies
my parents are from turkmenistan and they told me to never trim your nails after the sun sets, i never understood why but i found a video stating in india its considered bad luck to trim your nails at night, is there a correlation
Have oghuz and qarluq turks formed closely together?
Did Huns and Turks practice cannibalism like Scythians?
Camry Drivers only have two moods.
I was wondering how many people here are from different countries, where are you from?
Yugur people
Ancestry report for an Uyghur
How is Qatar so hot in the summer and so cold in the winter?
Which modern Turkic nation is genetically closest to the "original" Turkic people?
Gaza,Palestinian. Some of brothers results & extra
My 23andme Ancestry results
What is the importance of flying deers in turkic culture? Is there a connection with scythians?
Are Bulgars the only Turkic people that got assimilated to other cultures?
Uyghur result
Tell me about cases of intentional removal, erasure of turkic history, language, people
I was in Qatar airport last night and I noticed the Qatari male security officers in the airport just lounging, which would never happen in the USA.