Bully son and bully mom, what a shocker
AITA for telling a mom her son needs to toughen up?
I hate how men are called childish and immature when they ask their gfs to have an abortion.
How many of us are still on our parent’s wireless plan?
People who think that dogs need 100 acres of free roaming land or they are living imprisoned lives
I dont get it
i (25f) think my gf (25f) is cute but not sexy
Tips to help your EB live longer
Is there a way to disappear with no trace?
Thank you for your answers, I wanted to ask how effective the pull out method really is?
What's the big deal about dating a girl who isn't strictly a lesbian?
Says wife is “obedient” 😳
My wife stopped trying. I’m losing hope—what do I do now?
Do you use turn signals in a turn only lane?
Are you or Aren't you Religious?
Snore in peace, Sassy.
How long does your nap from anesthesia really feel like when you are under?
Why do we rarely see animals that have died from natural causes?
Tattoos are becoming unpopular again
The concept of "intersectionality" is a modern day caste system.
Can someone please explain why lesbians are obsessed with carabiners?
People shame others for being “prudish” when it comes to sex almost as much as they do being promiscuous
I got a merit scholarship but I unfortunately need more money. What should I do?
Can I mix Purina UR dry food with Fancy Feast wet food? Trying to save money because my cats pee problems might be behavioral- and the Purina UR wet food nearly triples my food costs!
No rap for you because I said so!
AITA for not letting my 17 year old stepson listen to rap anymore?
Socialization is not a good reason to be against home schooling. Public Schooling does not foster socialization