They Nerfed Buster's Hypercharge?!
What is your favourite FNF song?
Carl can go through walls using meeples super
Can we appreciate the surprisingly balanced state of shade?
If this is the base cooldown for each gadget, how op will they get with the gadget gear?!
How do I counter Rico?
como counterar a piper?
Obscure (and probably unintended) Tip: Buster's Shield can delete Amber's Spinny Gadget and Melodie's Notes!
What are brawlers that unexpectedly can use the vision gear well
Why did Joker pick Leon?
18H. Com base na minha aparência, como vocês acham que é a minha personalidade?
Surge's To the max rework concept! (+Why it would be a good star power)
Comment a brawler and what you want me to do to balance it
Heist rework idea.
Does Hanks new tank trait really make it worth maxing out?
Some Mythic Gears concepts I've had in mind for a while... What do you guys think?
Ranked flair varification post
Primeiro Post aqui, vou morrer sem sentir o doce toque de uma mulher? (Última foto sou eu antes de me cuidar)
Remember, don’t give up when you get outdrafted! You can still outplay the enemy.
Some Balance Changes I Want Thoughts On
O que vocês acham da unha do meu dedo? Me julguem.
18M. Am I going to die alone? (Last photo is me after 4 weeks without taking care of my appearance)
Soo... Am I going to die alone? (Last photo is me after 4 weeks without taking care of my appearance)