Tell me why you like your favorite Eminem song, and I'll guess it.
I swear, these are some of the most annoying characters in the game
You get to delete 1 character from the game as if they never existed. Who is gone? I'll start.
Here's a game: give me any video game character and I'll make the to comment into a brawler concept
What Tyler album got you like this?
What album got you like dis?
Forget best opening track. What’s the best ending track?
How come Earl hasn’t gotten the success and size of T and Frank?
Who is your fav movie Batman?
Gimme some hottakes where you compare a kanye album with a other rap album, i beginn🔥🔥
only real eminem fans have been there from the beginning❤️
Do you have a main that makes you REALLY get in character?
What Are The Good Songs On Revival For You ?
Give me ANY word and I’ll relate it to Eminem
My Name Is was unanimously chosen as the most overrated SSLP song. What's the most emotional song on the Slim Shady LP?
I made Grandmaster and so can you with this one weird trick!
What is the Most Disturbing Tyler/odd future Song?
guys it's happening
Kirby lost his face gib him new face.
You're Trapped in Prison,The Last Character You Played Has to Rescue You. How Screwed Are You?
Would this two get along?
Who’s the best and worst Robin (and there future identity’s aswell)
What is it?