Joining the navy for AECF
ASVAB score job qualifications
Hey guys! I am new to the navy
How the eff do they decide how many rotations for an evo?
How to get out from 3500?
How do I go Team Pekka?
Am I the only one who did this?
Depression / Anxiety / PTSD / Medication Waiver APPROVED!
What is the best and worst project out of these?
Is this a major fail ?????
Post Game Thread: San Francisco 49ers at Philadelphia Eagles
My meps visits are being declined?
That was not a dumb move by ___.
How can I appeal denied waivers?
Is this hitting?
Philly fans working themselves up big time
MEPS and psych consult
Finally in!
Timeline for Enlisting
I seen a lot of med waivers post lately
How long until I hear back from NRC? Post waiver consult
Anyone else’s recruiter just start ghosting them out of nowhere?
Meps Complex Evaluation Question
Navy Nasis
MEPS in the morning