Sign at today’s protest in Phoenix.
Who's on your wish list for LB CA?
A photo of the Seattle Warped lineup 2009
Trump did this
Announcement Day 4 - Point North - DC, CA, FL
Flying into Rome May 15th and want to explore Tuscany before heading to Florence.
Why is it warm to the touch?
Is a thumb a finger?
Gold Base, the 500ac international HQ of Scientology where 1000 high ranking officials live and work
Planning on boarding and staying at Basecamp next weekend, but worried there will be little snow
Help with finding best Canadian Beauty Influencers
What does my fridge say about my husband and I?
Finally tried Mensho ramen (Mesa AZ) and it was heavenly
Live in the Phoenix area and 80% of rentals are Progress
ATTENTION. Ticket Pre-Sales Mega Thread
Queue up now
This speakeasy in Tempe AZ
New BOMO Beauty release: The Presidential Palette
Our neighbors son painted us this, we just met this neighbor and her son is 15.
[I ate] a taco box of carne asada fries and tacos
Lake suggestions to beat the heat?
I didn't grow up with Disney films so I watched 72 of them to catch myself up
The doors have been fixed!!
I have a coppery mesemb that is looking worse for wear. Help.