This little amethyst fish i got for $2
The Tomb of Xerxes I
Etsy deposited $100k into my bank account
First week with the GRIIIx
Just got a Ricoh GRiii leather case for $1.15
Update on other post about receiving a PSA 4 pikachu.
The mark on these earrings
My Brother said only kids wear these
Pulled her from the kiln last night 😍
Made my own straps
Venice Sports Cards and Collectibles owner buying all the Target stock of Pokémon cards
Celebrating too early
My wife treated me
Guess I’m One of You Now
What are the odds
Glad I waited
Target suggested we call this number and, "demand limits on pokemon purchases"
Is this real life?
Mother breaks down on live feed because she can't pay for insulin for her son
A.K. Limoges Teapot - Late 19th Century
One of my first pictures with my RicohGR3x.
Target Store. Sunset
AIO gf bailed on twice and didn’t contact me for 24 hours
Snowden - There are more us, then there are of them