Is there any point to reading Batman: Eternal and Batman & Robin: Eternal now?
Another rousing speech
Ok y'all I just got an idea so HUSH and listen 👹👹
do you read the comics then buy the books or…
Got these for a pretty decent deal at my local HPB, super stoked to jump in.
Superman may be a boring Boy Scout, who’s stories are only good when elseworlds, but he’s MY boring boyscout❤️
What is in your opinion Superman's most iconic fight?
You can send Superman to any fictional universe in media for one hour. Where and when do you send him?
“Punisher Juice”
Which character is your Ride or Die?
Top 5 writers with best omnibus selection
This is the worst thing I've ever read and the craziest thing is...
how to train orcs?
You magot
So do we think that Tamaki Detective Comics omnibus will exclude the Shadow of the Bats: House of Gotham by Rosenberg story?
After conquering Nurnen I’ve felt pretty lost on where I should go (shadow of war)
Marvel Comics Epic Collections solicited for Months October 2025 to January 2026.
My Collection
New dc announcement questions
Does Bruce possess an underlying sadistic tendency?
Just how lucky were we to get Immortal Hulk
People who own death and return of superman after seeing the new triangle era omni:
Bro said "Gimme a sec"
DC Post-Crisis Reading Order December 24'