I have joined the club.
(18) vs (21)
Has anyone actually done an 'ADHD program' advertised on SM?
Post surgery healing questions.
A very British burger
Justin Theroux
Squirrel hears thunder and clutches his heart.. 🥺
Just one bill of several from being hospitalized for two days
Roast from yesterday
43, was thinning at the temples. Yay or Nay?
He takes his quacks very seriously. Makes me smile everytime
Cannot think straight - want him all the time
Shampoo bar recommendations
Ed Zeppelin
What do you say to missionaries and JW when they knock on your door?
Wake up babe a new cult just dropped: Anti-aging obsessed Bryan Johnson is building a new religion called ‘Don’t Die’ and I’m sure there’s nothing to worry about here
Glow up? 18-21-28-30-(31)
Finally shaved my head clean
Completely ordinary, boring, everyday British things you've never done
How to treat my face after crying?
I got cheated on?
What should I buy from Waitrose?
BIrthday witchy goodness
Throwing an adult pajama party. Help with decor?
My (31M) partner (36F) expects me to pay for her sons child support because the father stopped doing it?