DeStRoYeD iNfAnTs.
Referring to childfree people as "parasites" is DEFINITELY gonna get people on your side. /s
Th1s 1s ExTrEmElY k0oL!
J.D Vance in a WWE match? LMAO! 😂🤣. I would like to see that.
You mean, someone who DOESN'T want children thinks a fetus is a parasite, how could THAT be? I'm like........TOTALLY confused. 😕
Same old, same old "wah, I'm sn innocent widdle victim and pro-choicers are ALL the devil, woe is me! 😭". I doubt you (and the other PL) were all "innocent" in that other comment section. 🙄
Not everyone wants children and yes, a child is a parasite and a burden TO SOMEONE WHO DOESN'T WANT THEM!
A prolifer who's at-least condemned the PL who referred to childfree people as "parasites".
Those of you over 40 with no kids what gives you purpose?
Referring to people who don't have or want children as "parasites".
We all know the REAL reason J.D Vance didn't show up in the senate (as of last summer) to vote for extended child tax credits,
No, Vance isn't right about birthrates.
Since I'm (along with other childfree people) SUCH a "parasite",
Yeah well, what about people who just legitimately don't want children?
THAT'S what J.D Vance looks like without that fake ass beard, lol! 😂
I mean, JD Vance certainly is a clown…
Since when did J.D Vance have a Reddit account? (that sound's EXCATLY like something Vance would say)
"You'll change your mind" double standard
Stop taking your goblins on flights
PL saying “just don’t have sex” is ridiculous considering the VAST amount of contraception available
Juvenile Delinquent Vance's heart will be BLEED for that filthy, hideous thing. It's a 10 week old fetus. I also posted about this on r/ JDVanceCircleJerk. I'll only post about Vance here if it has to do with abortion/reproductive healthcare or childfree. I copied another post of this fetus.
Here's the evidence of J.D Vance calling ADOLESCENT BOYS "simps" online.
Another Pw0-cHoIcE aBwEsT bullshit. 🙄
I don't feel responsible for children as a whole