Updated Completion tracker
Monster Hunter Completion Tracker
how do I get this quest? I want to host it to play with friends
Drop your trainer codes. Adding first 5
Rare old pokemon?
Old pokemon appreciation
Primal groudon 3 locals on me
Tapu Lele raid, 4 local
Tapu koko raid hour 3 local
Add me to join your uxie, legendary raids 368289667248
What does 'on me' mean in the raid thread?
Creselia with 3 local 571997872707
Mega Latias now 997114796627
Mega Latios raid Disneyland Paris
Gifts from Denmark 7043 7816 5405
Mega latias WB 2 locals now 793813131158
Vlad top?
The ranking system is flawed
Omnistone is about as useful as nipples on a man
Help me vote for my new Mythic skin
Vote for my new Mythic skin