Why is it so hard to hover champ?
The vision runes in the Domination tree were a failure
Massive ping spike every few minutes
It’s good to be the boss. Catch the train to Cyber City on April 2 – and be sure to bring your crew with you.
Phreak - Patch 25.06 Preview | League of Legends
[PBE datamine] 2025 March 12: more champion and Arena balance changes
Does Kled seem like a champion that should have health scalings or otherwise build tankier?
25.06 Patch Preview
Riot officially prohibits 3rd party applications tracking Enemy Ultimate Timers now.
Does Darius jungle deserve a hotfix?
Got My Champ Banned In Champ Select, Then Got Hit With A Presentation In Chat
What to watch out for on Elise Support?
Why did anyone at Riot think it was a good idea to make the season 2 Arcane skins only available for a short amount of time?
[PBE datamine] 2025 March 6: adding back Naafiri ult's vision and shield
Ganking not going well with Elise
Naafiri Mid-Scope Update PBE Changelist
The Elise nerfs have been Softened a tiny bit
Naafiri now has a tower RNG bug like Elise
[PBE datamine] 2025 March 4: Naafiri midscope
Naafiri Midscope confirmed for later this week by riot august
Which champions are in desperate need of a rework?
Naafiri Midscope confirmed for this week by Riot August
Naafiri Midscope confirmed for later this week on PBE
Yuumi jungle should be punished