This whole thing is making me disinterested in the game
What's the most trans song that's not technically about being trans?
I’m a conventionally attractive man who has dated mostly plus size or supersize women by preference. AMA!
So many people waited hours to get nothing with the new que system yet scalpers and bots still got the majority.
Decades of porn addiction just... gone?? Accepting I might be trans.
Told Mom I was trans last night
is it ok for me to identify as an androgynous girl? or it that taking away from trans people
Is the "gifted kid to burnout to trans" pipeline a common pattern?
TSA Body Scanners
Do hips just come naturally?
41 Years Alive, 28 of em I Was Smokin’ the Reefer —I’m a Husband, a Father, a COO, a Degenerate Roofer. I Quit All Forms of THC 3 Days Ago. AMA.
Feeling stronger than ever, despite not looking it 😆 MtF, -6 years HRT to one year HRT
Should you stay subscribed to this subreddit?
Can I identify as a femboy on hrt ?
I am a blind girl studying computer science. AMA
Weight loss and hrt
Front side🤰🏼 or back side🍑
Besides obvious things like cellphone, keys, and wallet, what are some other essential or useful things that you think every girl should carry in her purse everyday?
Consistency > Everything!
A person tried to be funny at a meeting and cut off a couple of my dreadlocks while I was sleeping. What the heck can I do now? In my country there aren't many people who put extensions in and I just can't do it on my own lol
Rejected names for the Seven Dwarfs
Body feminisation
Judith Butler posting