Making a private gc for peeps in their twenties . Wanna join?
This post is a dating show
The Fear of Loving Again After Trauma
If anyone needs to vent, I got you.
Advice on heart break
i just got broken up with. i need some support.
How do you move on
I lost myself trying to keep someone I thought I’d never lose. Now that I’m finding myself again, I’m proud.
What’s meant for you will find you. Yes, that’s sometimes your ex. But you gotta let go first.
What was/is your reasoning for your “Hope” to get back together with your ex?
People who have gotten back together with ex’s and it worked, how did you make it possible?
Did anyone get dumped and their ex comes back?
Should I meet her?
Let them miss you
Let them fumble you
Let Them Theory | How it helped me 🍒
My ex came back! losing hope? please read.
Is it normal to get fixated on your mistakes in the first few days of NC?
Dumpers who "fell out of love" ,do they really get to walk away with it, huh?
Dumpees: did you ever reach out to your dumper post “no contact”?
The problem could be maybe you're stressing over those persons that aren't your kind of people.
Has anyone had the dumper reach out first post break up and if so how long after the break up did they reach out?
I am 5 weeks post BU. Unsubscribing from this sub... here is what I have learned in 5 weeks:
Feeling much better after almost 3 months , no More breakup subreddit xD