Calling your girlfriend names
AITA for asking my fiancé if he scheduled a workout class with another woman?
5 years ago I saw a woman get dragged off by 4 dudes and didn't do anything to stop it
Messed up
Why do women get so upset if someone they consider ugly tries to hit on them?
AIO my boyfriend ruined our 5 year anniversary by masturbating
AITA for refusing to lend my friend money after she bought gucci shoes instead of paying e back?
I found out that my coworker smells my T-shirt every day.
If I could go back in time I would _____?
My boyfriend is upset I’m prioritizing my education over my relationship with him
Lemon on food ruins the taste
Bitcoin is not the future of digital currency
AITA for being willing to divorce my wife because she's become friends with the brother who bullied me my whole life?
AITA if I consider husband telling me to leave his house in a drunken state a deal breaker
How to cope with the fact you are going to die and be dead in the ground, reduced to worm sludge as the earth swallows you
AIO or is this stitch really just so bad?
Having to "try to network" is a rigged game.
I hate when I'm watching a gameplay streamer play and experience a new game and then someone in chat decides to conduct an interview of the streamer's life.
Need for speed underground 1 and 2 are the best car race games ever
Celebrating Valentines' Day
Chip After Being MIA for Nearly Two Weeks
I'm enjoying these guys for however long they stay... They'll be moving on soon😭
How do i tell the girl im dating that i slept with my roomate?
It’s very annoying when I relax alone in nature and random people come and sit next to me and talk loud
Self-Sabotage: Why We Choose What Hurts Us?