Our boi is moving up from lawn care!
Weird experience when reading?
Anyone else with synesthesia really good at reading people?
Magical thinking
Obey the sacred pamphlet
In your opinion, which food tastes better the next day?
Thinking of working in Human Resources.
Who are your favorite 90's and earlier porn stars?
You are forced to name your kids after prescription drugs. What would you name your kiddos?
Can you recommend the best books to develop synesthesia?
Question for Mirror Touch/ mirror pain Synesthetes
I might just have chromesthesia... I guess?
This is how i see time in my brain lol
Do any of you only see colors for certain numbers?
What is a show you watched during your childhood that you are convinced nobody remembers?
how do you guys feel about how jimmy and sabrina got together?
Does anyone feel more deeply connected to one child over another?
How do you know or difference synesthesia from just mentally linking or associating things?
I’m lost
Any other warehouses just let all their seasonal employees go? I know it was expected at some point. Just wondering who else.
Does anyone else love talking about their synesthesia to others?
Is anyone elses synesthesia more of a 6th sense?
Tell about YOUR synesthesia
do i have calendar synesthesia?