Why do so many people still have no idea what to do for alchemy in circuit?
If You Were To Be In Warframe, Which Character Would You Like To Be?
WARFRAME 1999 seriously?
Slams are changing and for the better it seems.
[WTS][PC] 4x4 Panzer imprints, 125p a piece. Need one to breed if you already have any Panzer, two if you don't.
[WTS][PC][PRICE CHECK][RIVEN] My guess is like 5k?
What are some online games that have the least/biggest FOMO in your opinion?
Of all the skins of all the champs in the game, which is yall favorite?
Venezuelan immigrants deported from USA arrive at the Terrorism Confinement Center in El Salvador
I hate subtle and direct racism
Relatively calm game worlds I can just live in
7k damage barrels? This seems wrong.
Does anyone else have an Ayatan Horror or is it just me
Why do I suck at Warframe?
I am quitting this game because it has destroyed my work life
Is there any hope for this getting cracked
[PC][WTS][Price check][riven] Why I can't sell this riven?
Malphite deleted every champion in my deck for zero mana on turn 1
Sense by @Drowsy_sheep
Which game made you feel this way?
am i fried for playing 300 hours yet only having 44 achievements
We all know Aiko deserved better 😞
Tryndamere = slow reversed Ambessa
So Astrascans is down for some reason but at least the raws for chapter 142 raws r up on colamanga. Also: HER
People who say Ornn is the worst champ in PoC just need to unlock his 6*