What did the federation (Gromflomites) want with Ricks portal gun (S03 Ep. 1) when they already had portal tech (S01 Ep.1)?
Police plane
Unlike Gulliman, Magnus did not crash land in Utopia as a child. He had to make Utopia from hell.
Fulgrim hates it when Slaanesh plays with his mirror...
Quit pretending Eve, you do NOT need a job bro 😭🙏
Best sailors in the world they say.
I can cherry pick too!
Youth free movement is happening, according to The Times
The image from the auction is higher res than the trailer and you can make out a city on the shore. So... Sentinel?
What does it take to start getting effects on Fori Prime?
More battle music themes? Audio ques/music for specific enemy types?
It does the woosh
Outrageous Army Ideas
My Dream World Eater Army finally coming together!
Trump to Zelensky: “You should have never started” the war.
The whirlwind games workshop doesn't want you to build. Swirlbreeze missile tank and skyscraper tank kit bash
Day 14 of various Black Book images: XV Legion
Browsing on nexus
Oh no.... what the hell is that
Save the day with this one simple trick!
American confused when people turn down guns (technically it's Bucky)
Peter, help please
In your opinion, what factions deserve some help right now in terms of how many new units or revamped models they need?
My teammates whenever I deploy a Tesla turret