Why does Trump hate Canada so much?
What’s the best piece of advice you have ever gotten from someone?
What’s a very specific smell that immediately takes you back to your childhood?
What is the best sexual compliment you got?
If you could only put 3 words on your gravestone, what would they be
What’s something humanity is currently doing that future generations will laugh at?
What has gradually vanished from society over the past 20 years without many people noticing?
Would you slap your boss in the face for 1000 dollars
You can now create an infinite amount of the last thing you touched.
What country would you live in if there were no language barriers and no money restrictions?
What is beautiful but dangerous?
FOR THE LADIES: You’re supposed to switch to fresh underwear after your evening shower, right?
My ldr bf didn't text me for 2days and that's not the usual for him we normally text everyday I tried to call him and texts him but the calls won't go thru because he's phone is been off too I'm worried sick rn I don't know what should I do?
What's something you're convinced only you do, but are too afraid to ask if others do it too?
Who do you believe is hiding a massive secret but you can’t prove it?
If poor people fantasize about winning the lottery, what do the rich fantasize about ?
What’s something you secretly judge people for, even though you know you shouldn’t?
What’s a ‘Normal’ Part of Life That Actually Feels Like a Scam?
What is the perfect midnight snack?
Americans of Reddit, what do you actually think of Canada?
What's your sweet spot during sex?
Whats a physical feature that doesn’t fit the beauty standard but you think its hot af?
What’s the most overrated food in your opinion?
What is the frequency that you shave (or not) your private areas?
In a job interview, how do you answer what your biggest weakness is?