Have you ever been sentanced to jail in your dream? If so, what was the longest it's been and what was it for?
What advice would you give a first time car owner and driver ?
If you could instantly master one skill but never teach it, what would you pick and why?
What is your favorite word that sounds dirty, but is not?
What's the most memorable film soundtrack, in your opinion?
What can you say to your girlfriend and to your local DMV?
What's a subtle sign that someone is a good person?
What's the biggest waste of money you've ever seen people spend on?
What’s something you hated, but later on loved?
What's your ideal present?
What are some non verbal signals that a woman is sexually attracted to a man?
What’s your go-to drink order on the plane?
Guys who used to be sad but aren't anymore: How'd you do that?
Where do you keep your ketchup?
When you play Cribbage, what color do you want your pegs to be?
What is the weirdest compliment you’ve ever received?
What do most people take for granted?
Anyone know how I redeem this?
The entire world is on pause until you press play, what do you do?
What’s an underrated snack?
What are you starting to dislike more as you get older?
What's your least favorite spice?
Redditors, what your guilty pleasure?
Whats a universally loved food that you secretly think is trash?
What are you bad at no matter how much you try?