Looking for more suggestions
[OC] 6 yr old's perspective on DnD
Wish us luck it's gonna be hard...
"Are you ok with me doing this, knowing you might die"
I secretly recorded my professor making sexist remarks and got him fired!
Succubus - Which color scheme?
OFFICIAL DISCUSSION THREAD: Post simple requests and questions here!
Good quality surf and skate wear.
Advice on alternative treatments
How can I help my players budget spell slots to avoid having so many long rests?
I'm going to my first D&D group tonight - I know basically nothing and don't have any parts of the game (and can't afford to for many months). Help me out??
Difference in coffee?
I've given a Staff of the Python to a level 3 player, and it's becoming an enormous pain to deal with
First time DM gonna DM C.o.S.
4x your salary or 200k per month tax free, but it'll be a random job I give you
16-20 Puberty hit me like a truck
Gold digging with heavy machinery in Mosman
Thoughts on CoS Reloaded?
Building a dungeon crawler Carl style campaign, what should I include?
I’m putting together a dnd dungeon crawler Carl style campaign, dumbed down a bit as lots won’t work, but please shoot me some ideas!
tips on how to get into d&d?
What’s your username in gpt art ? This is me.
Living bi-curiously through this guy
Walk like a king or walk like you don’t give a f who the king is
The amount of bread i have to throw away at the end of the day at my job