am i the only one upset by this?
What do people mean when they say the MCU is getting a "reboot" or a "soft reset"?
What's next for Wasp?
Who is Hawkeye’s wife?
Just found out Jarvis was a real guy
Why did Avengers Assemble change universes for it's fifth season?
Why didn’t Matt close his eyes in the chemical spill?
Whats that one song that makes you go:
"Will Arctic Monkeys release a new album in 2025?" (Article)
My song just got taken down by soundcloud for copyright but it sounds nothing like the songs it said it sounded like.
Deftones 2025 Album sure taking it's time. Still waiting boys.
Bought myself this cool shirt today, it looks like the in utero cover
Just reinstalled the game.
PS5 can't sign in to Suicide squad kill the Justice League
Am thinking about buying the game but one thing first
Why is the game 110 gb? Like the game used to be 70gb or less
'Look Outside Your Window' to be released in 2025
Image comics encyclopaedia?
What song is he listening to
Psycho Hazbin “fans” are popping up more now
What do my favorite Beatles songs say about me?
give me some songs and i’ll give my honest opinion
New album 2025?
Anyone got info on the new album? I hear it's coming really soon and it's one of their heaviest in a while.
KoRn issues Rag Dolls