The Clancy setlist
Toddler’s Names for TØP songs
A smosh video you could rewatch 100 times and still laugh
Favourite tøp moment(s) of 2024?
Guy thought he stopped seeing ghosts; turns out he was just being drugged.
Songs for a sad christmas
Does The Line hit harder every listen for anyone else?
A woman in Aldi handed me $20 and I can’t stop crying, there is still kindness
FYI Tyler’s Acoustic Set is being posted tomorrow
Misheard Lyrics even though I know the right lyrics
What song are you listening to right now?
Looking for a specific interview about meeting fans
Is Tyler an artist?
Dream Guest
songs that say the title of the album
I haven’t seen anyone else talk about the tape?
Okay...I want in.
who’s an artist who u reallyyyy wanna see live, but haven’t had luck. 🥲
What does everyone think of the "collab" with A$AP Rocky?
Songs I can probably find at the hardware store.
Songs that genuinely made you cry
What song would you listen to if you sat on this bench?
People are ruining GA.
I went to Tyler’s special performance at Q101 today.