Are there islamic democrats in Albania
LF to mirror trade, offering below
Could someone help with the actual ranking of this for great league
iv thoughts? PVP lads are shaking
That's relatively new for me
Got a shiny totodile!
It'd be a crime NOT to evolve this... right? :(
Does anybody know the exact IVs of this Charizard, i just got it too!!🔥& Should i max it out?
So close to a legendary pull
Ku mund ta shikojme ndeshjen neser ne qe jemi jasht?
Offering in first 2 and looking for last 2
Offering GIVEAWAY Looking for Nothing (read description)
Got this guy before I knew about how the moves are set
Akbank's Jon Kadriu under fire for his Islamophobic remarks
Ca mendimi keni per kta Passport bros?
Finally got a Morpeko but the stats are terrible. Invest?
What if; war in Bosnia?
Ft armored mewtwo
Looking for, Offering trade below
Cmendim keni per kte?
Albania TikTok ban to begin Thursday
Giving out some extras from my alts! Comment what u want! Will pick 5 winners! Ends after 24hours!
Looking for mirror trades offering below
Giveaway: Looking for a lucky winner, offering armoured mewtwo