Pushing People Away Because You Feel Like a Bad Influence?
Feeling super disconnected in conversations.
The male loneliness epidemic is a self-pitying problem and there's an easy solution.
characters you relate to?
DAE simply not get people anymore at all?
Where do you find motivation?
Why men don’t ask for help
have always wanted to be in a band, and i’ll never be able to
Voice (problems) and AvPD
Have you ever been misdiagnosed?
Do you feel rejected even in this sub?..
Sometimes I wish people were mean to me
I don’t understand the point of relationships
Years of isolation makes me feel like everyone is profoundly unrelatable
Those of you who have negative self-talking: what's your type(s)? (Changed from text post to image post)
Anyone else told they were mentally ill when they were a kid?
Asexual and/or Avoidant?
Anyone here have comfort characters?
Self Imposed Isolation Help
Are people scared of you or uneasy in your presence?
Positive Maladaptive Triats?
I feel like a baby and I hate it
Fashion? How do you guys dress
What Does It Feel Like to Like Someone?
I believe my PhD advisor unethically utilizes AI tools to evade his professional responsibilities.