If you could build around a functional reprint, what would it be?
what is your favourite card?
I've got a few hours to kill. Who wants to pick the deck I work on tonight?
What are your favorite commanders?
Looking for subthemes to supplement big creatures in Temur
Easy ways to break the new Jumbo Cactuar card?
Rhys, the Exiled and Dina, Soul Steeper interaction
Which one is your Extra Combats favorite commander deck?
Timmy's First Reanimator: What Should I know?
Looking for recommendations for a commander of a reanimator deck.
Hakbal: What did you lean into?
What's a good next deck for a stompy player looking to branch out?
What are your favorite stompy creatures in Temur colors?
What are your favorite mono-color commanders?
How do you evaluate your card draw?
I wanna build a Deck around exponentialy growing creatues.
How much Ramp to run in a big creature deck?
Favorite commander recently?
What are your favorite big, non-X instant and sorcery spells in temur?
Post your commanders
Has anyone had any luck with Okinec?
Dalek Emperor