Cousin came in me.
any gay for Marina?
Sims fashion noticed in store 👀👀
Opinions on Sabrina Carpenter?
Could the account be banned?
CMV: Fast-food franchises are basically just MLMs at this point.
CMV: The birth control onus should be more on women than men
CMV: Cursive writing is unnecessary.
Is AWS still worth it?
AWS Activate Portfolio request denied
Was using Rendin to rent an apartment and now have to pay 700+ for cleaning. Is that norm?
Invitation to discuss digital accessibility and gaming
Best countries to work in?
Discuss Staff Changes with Staff?
How to tell my boss I’m moving 2 hours away from the office
Two promotions, no compensation increase
Weird instance with one of the jobs.
Graafikuga töötajatele tuleb peagi anda rohkem puhkeaega. See võib aga tuua kaasa vastupidise olukorra
Questionaire for dog owners.
Questionaire for dog owners
Boss caught me out after calling in sick. Am I in trouble?
Friend code thread for BirdKind:
We need testers for audiogames
Looking testers for an Audio Game platform