DareDevil - Apollo
I the only one who thinks it’s stupid. You lose the OG pass after a season.
Do those routers with geolocation work? Tired of playing 35 ping against MTL players
Who is going to be buying 26?
How much protein do you actually eat and are you happy with your results
NHL 25 / How often do you play now? - Mar. 5 - Post
Daredevil born again
They’re here!! Let’s go!!
Welcome to the team 'Brady'
Next MSPS Leaked?
If Matthews gets a supercharged xfactor and costs just as much as mcdavid did would you build him?
Anyone hyped for this event? Maybe TB or Xfactors soon ?
Tall and right handed goalie with good overall?
90 TOTY Cossa Review?
Which 4 Nations Upgrade Card did you choose?
Team of the Year defenders and goalies
are you guys trading in 88 and 88s too for toty?
How is megan keller still 92 ovr???
Kuch - if mine is BND. I am f’d.
Is Leon or Kuch getting the 3rd spot for TOTY?
With 500 k set aside..
17 - 83s saved up
Final fodder check
New Matthew’s card
Can we talk about how DUMB it is that Mathews highest card is an 85??