A Practical Guide for how to Recover from Narcissistic Abuse
Disgusting behavior that’s not talked about a lot
Dave Malloy's 'Three Houses' his best yet?
Favorite tales of the harder side of ballet?
Your annual reminder that “ Testing Weird Amazon Underwear” exists
Why is she so anxious?????
Sam and Labia….. we need to talk about this
BWI Ballet With Isabella Intensive - feedback
Dave Malloy's Three Houses Concept Album/Cast Recording has Started a Kickstarter Campaign
Paul’s gaslighting in the latest video
Paul and Morgan processing on camera
Podcast is extra extra bad this week with their fight
Colleen "I don't care if it's illegal" Ballinger hogs the fast lane proudly. Erik calls her dangerous and "so... unbothered" lmao
My partner said I can't join a co-ed (men and women) hiking group because he thinks it will risk my being tempted to meet other men. Is that a reasonable relationship boundary, or considered controlling?
Advice/Open Conversation
I left him but feel guilty
I (26m) finally ended the relationship and need some hope
Extremely inflexible and want to try ballet. Problem?
Searching for a recording!!