Help! Negotiating miscalculation and still want house
1st ultrasound today! Do i insert progesterone before i got or wait until after??
Anyone else have their 20 week scan soon? Or have had it?
chicco bravo travel system reviews?
Pregnant, need help with a name for my baby boy 💖
For those who did both PGT-A and NIPT, was the outcome the same?
Progesterone shots vs suppositories
My baby!
AITA for prolonging a prank because I enjoy the 'princess' benefits that resulted from it?
Black 30 (M) looking for advice on meeting black women
Embryo Transfer tomorrow - Looking for your Comedy suggestions!
Should hysteroscopy be done before first transfer?
How many FET / Transfers did you go through until successful?
NYC girls that like black men feel like there’s no one for you
I applied for a job and they want my credit report
Success: Here to answer any questions you have
Shower thought: 100 years ago, would you have survived your pregnancy?
First trimester foods
How long did you PGT-A results take?
feel bad for feeling this way
He married me, and I feel so sad.
In-Person Meet Ups..! Where does everyone live?
Is 28/29 weeks too early for a baby shower?
Medication expense
Good Odds For a Live Birth?