Most recent Cure song you listened to. Or else...
What shows and movies does this best apply to?
Songs for the downfall of America
Protest songs or just songs that can be interpreted as one
Asia - After the War
Favorite character who committed suicide?
Recommend high-pitched songs
Looking for songs that completely change their sound/tone/mood in the middle
Getting into metal. Recs?
Beatles songs where the title is off by a couple words
When was the first time you saw blood in a cartoon?
Drop your funniest no context screenshots
Characters who find out they are fictional
[Lore/IRL] Remakes/Reboots (or even parodies) that are just as or even more popular than the original, mainly more popular/well-known (Bonus points if many people didn't even know about the original)
How to become a vegan?
guys im not on mobile i swear
Favorite character who's *really* enjoying their food?
What's a joke that you're convinced that only Matt and Trey couldcome up with?
Characters who cannot remember other characters' names
What Equestria Girls song is this for you? (and yes ONLY Equestria Girls, Nothing from FIM obviously)
What are you listening a lot these days/weeks?
Characters who drink milk
Empty chat bubbles?
Songs that feel nostalgic
Favorite characters who you associate with rain