Miss Daisy has been diagnosed with hypothyroidism. Any tips?
She’s super upset because Dad is studying instead of giving her all of his attention.
She’s been busy studying medical terminology with her Dad. She’s in serious business mode.
She always has her white hard hat on. Today’s task - breaking down boxes for recycling day
The sweetest little hippo I’ve ever met. She sure knows how to use those eyes.
All I said was “no, you cannot sit on top of me right now”. She sure knows how to break your heart.
I went to my cottage and the stars here are amazing! I can’t believe my 15 pro took this picture
Happy Birthday, Daisy! You’ve changed our lives so much since we added you into our little family.
Just the sweetest girl you’ll ever meet.
Just got my first ips modded Game Boy SP! The child in me is screaming of joy!
My sweet boy (Rusty - 15) crossed the rainbow bridge yesterday with everyone he loves around him. I’m comforted that he’s no longer in pain. See you on the other side, my stinky man 🌈❤️
The Sacred Church Mass
Finally! My sister let me save her betta! Swim Shady’s his name
Happy 15th birthday, my sweet boy 🥰. He really enjoyed his cookie this morning! (Rusty - 15)
Enjoying a bath bomb = stimming
I am very new to fountain pens. They have always peaked my curiosity, so I decided to try it out with an ooly pen. So far, I am very impressed and addicted to using this pen! Anyone have some reccomendations for upgrades in the future?
I'm doggysitting my mom's new puppy, and he's just the most happiest boy ever! Nothing but big smiles from him all day
nap time with his babies (Rusty, 14)
After months of hard work, I finally finished my Boston Bruins themed blanket for "the Bruins' #1 fan", my amazing Step-Dad. This is my proudest project yet, and I just wanted to share my hard work! I am so excited to give it to him!
A woman flirted with me [28m] and my wife [30f] of 10 months later lost it AT ME while insinuating I was playing along with this woman, which I was not.
Look at those adorable dumbo ears
Our old Lady turns 13 today!
I broke my foot last week, and "Dr. Rusty" has been helping me heal with his medicinal doses of cuteness (Rusty, 14 years young)
Golden household rule: he always gets his fair share. He sure knows it too! (Rusty - 14 years young)