I am Italian and I live in Italy Ama
Why Does Shipping EruRi Have To Hurt So Much?? I've Genuinely Never Been So Attached To A Ship Until I Learned About Them...And Now That I Am I Wish I Never Did!!
Aries was voted most aggressive, and Pisces was voted least. Next: Which sign is the most creative, and which is the least?
An open letter to the 'I didn't vote for Trump' Americans
What do all of our fridges say about us?
class canceled?!
I left greezy poop streaks in the communal toilet for 9 months and got away with it.
Why didn’t fast food restaurant put the exact make, model and year of my lamborgeenee? Are they stupid?
Why are y’all actually stinky
bri thinks he can get out of this one 😭😭😭💀💀💔💔
What are their Signs?
And it begins: DHS ends teleworking, requires employees to work in person
I took a heroic dose of penis envy mushrooms and broke through the simulation.
Who was Americas most attractive president?
uh, anyone know what’s going on in Sterling?
Moscow's D3 line is amazing
What do you think are the most common Asian parent experiences?
What signs crush on you
do any other geminis on here look way younger than they are?
This is why I can't buy housing in this area
How do I get my bf to growl again during sex?
Tired of constantly being seen as competition by friends/other women
All time WORST cookies?
24M identical twin brothers turning 24 on New Years (born 01/01/2001). Graduated from an Ivy League, one’s in law school another in med school. We’re at the top of our lives, bring us down to earth.
What’s an NSFW confession you’ve been dying to share anonymously?