EDs are so misunderstood. If you had to pick one thing to educate people on, what would it be?
Got called stupid after asking for help on plenty.
Food for small bodies sub not beating the allegations again
Only wanting "snack-y" food
How bad is being underweight
how did you manage high energy demand in EH?
feel so good
How to cope with the fact I’m eating way more than everyone around me at the Christmas dinner
hunger (TW)
Extreme Hunger Megathread!
Help me to get better
night time hunger
How often do you guys moisturize your lips and hands?
4,8 months in and I still have acne
How many calories have I absorbed into my body from this???
Is that some kind of extreme hunger?
What made you recover
Any tea suggestions?
I don’t know how to recover
Vegan yogurt barks
what’s your favorite safe soda
How can I speed up the healing proces?
4 months no change :( it’s just getting worse and my mom tells me I have to squeeze it all or it will be even worse
sweet green tea recs
What to do with low quality matcha?