Lost my mother 8 years ago today. I just want to show how beautiful she was. I don’t want her to be forgotten.
Selling My House—Should I Skip the Realtor?
Will human teachers be replaced by AI?
my cat died today
It's been 5 years.
What is wrong with the education system.
Teaching online in the age of AI is exhausting.
Students who literally only come to school to write tests.
Please be objective: what is Trump and Elon Musk’s end game?
My younger sister is getting bullied/harrassed by her classmate what should I do? + Rant
Is microscopic printing a trend among high schoolers now?
Did you stay friends with your high school best friend?
You DO NOT need to forgive your abusers, it's an archaic concept.
Cannot move beyond my rage about how my late brother's kids and ex-wife treated him so horribly.
My cat is ruining my life
My wife has a few weeks to live
It’s my fault he’s dead
Getting hit on by resort workers
Are students getting dumber?
Lost my mother yesterday after a hard battle against brain cancer
Justin Trudeau
Who were you before and after you lost a loved one?
63 yr old in debt w/no savings
I want to be free. How do I get there?