My boyfriend ‘25M’ is comparing me ‘23F’ to his male friend, and it’s really upsetting. What should I do?
My bf '25M' is comparing me '23F' to his male friend. What should be done?
My bf ‘25M’ is comparing me ‘23F’ to his male friend. What should be done?
My (22f) boyfriend’s (24m) coworker (24m) acts clingy and my boyfriend justifies it, he sidelines my feelings
My (22f) boyfriend’s (24m) coworker (24m) seems desperate and my boyfriend justifies it, he sidelines my feelings
My (22f) boyfriend’s (24m) coworker (24m) seems desperate and my boyfriend justifies it, am I overreacting?
My boyfriend and his coworker have started texting recently. I feel insecure and uncomfortable what should I do?