Ik weet niet zo goed hoe ik mij hierover voel.
Ladies. What do you really think about a pierced penis??
Waar in Nederland zou jij, voor 50% korting op je vaste lasten, nog steeds niet willen wonen?
Gezellig restaurant voor 13 personen
free marked room [Bug]
Wie moet ik bellen als ik zie dat een persoon niet meer zelfstandig kan wonen?
Russia's energy giant is planning to cut 40% of its HQ staff as Moscow's war snatches away its Western customers
103k Life brute on a Poison Decompose Build
So who exactly is this? Is he from acts 4-5-6 or did we see him already?
Share in my pain of missing out on 7div/500ex by exactly 10 Ritual tribute
So I got 4th Ascendancy for free
Job is being bought by a larger company. Should I start looking for a job?
Aye yo this games name generator needs to chill
PSA: Always attack without moving got bugged with the latest patch, uncheck it to not rubberband
Anti Scam Software Integration Question
Some people were skeptical when I posted the mockup of these. Just wanted to say they turned out nice!
Bullet belt
Het doek valt voor Kinderboerderij de Sik
Een op zeven geeft geen fooi na bezoek horeca: ‘Zij krijgen toch al salaris?’
8 x 1.8TB Drives in Fault on P410i RAID Card after Firmware Update
Drivers that park their car on tram lines should have their permit taken away forever
PowerShell Script to Check for and Disable Recall
List of Vulnerability scanners
Factuur notaris terrecht of niet?