How do I get Morrowind to work on my Z1 Extreme?
Such action is needed against old (500 f*ing year) cruel and gruesome practices that have glorified cruelty for generations
Any games that will hook you from the start?
BSW provoziert im Bundestag mit verbotenem Plakat-Protest
Where am I flying over? (Wrong answers only)
Playstation player got 3 months Xbox Game Pass Ultimate for free. What games should I definitely check out?
Mimimi in 3... 2... 1... 😁
Russia's Medvedev compares Germany's Merz to Nazi Goebbels
Germany’s big spending splurge gives EU the jitters
Apparently Bulgaria expressed interest to join the alliance. What is your opinion on it and the alliance in general?
VERY random, but I found out that Algiers in Algeria has A LOT of stereotypical old European architecture (neoclassical, art nouveau, etc) more than some Balkan cities 😂 its not fair…
Shadows runs great on extreme?
Another side of Tibet...
What’s his name
Do people in your country disagree on what the biggest cities are?
Assassin's Creed..
French Scientist Reportedly Denied U.S. Entry Due to Trump Criticism
Kahlschlag unter Trump: Wirtschaftsweise ruft zur Anwerbung von Spitzenforschern aus den USA auf
What would be his perfect Name?
Imagine that for some reason, your country can no longer be independent: it must become part of another country. Which of your neighboring country would you most like to be added to?
Kremlin Accuses Europe of Planning ‘Militarization’
SPIEGEL. Die Lage am Morgen: Europa will endlich raus aus der Statistenrolle
Kann man machen... is dann aber scheiße.
Die AfD will die deutsche Geschichte verfälschen. Künftig kann sie ihr Ziel noch konsequenter verfolgen - Jüdische Allgemeine
Trade rare sellner