Was Aaliyah a Xennial, Younger gen x and/or older millennial?
Drop your big 6!
Post downvotes on this sub
In 2036, gen x will be?
Has anyone ever reported something and then Meta actually took it down?
The problem is its so expensive to leave the house
Who wants to join a Pit Bull attack Rosary team?
Why does it feel so good to put a Q-Tip in my ear?
Something outrageous at the time that's now normal
Im sick of hearing this, anyone else?
Why does everything I post in here get ignored? No other posts seem to! What am I doing wrong?
How many teas do you drink a week?
Living in a state of constant fear and apprehension.
“She has done well in our playgroups with other dogs but would like to be your only child at home.” Huh?
Side Effects of Ketamine Could Explain a Lot About Elon Musk's Behavior
I’m a [astro sign] that’s why I’m…
I accidentally ate 2 spoons of rice that I forgot to reheat
Why do people from the Silent Generation sound nice to listen too?
I deactivated FB yesterday but I'm getting unwanted messages from strangers in Messenger.
Special offer to clear out Grand Island shelter - "the Pit Chic offering 50% off on dog adoptions" - Hooch "has zero interest, so no applications have come in"
Saw the gastroenterologist today after a very long wait.
A prayer request for my challenging situation.
Respectfully, no 🙏🏻🤣
Very mixed feelings after deactivating my FB account today.
Could a premodern person safely and comfortably eat modern fast food?